Saturday, November 7, 2009


I woke up this morning and watched National Geographic Channel....and i was very surprised to see the topics "DOOMSDAY YEAR 2012 , 21 DECEMBER".I ask you , DO YOU BELIEVE IT OR NOT? Well, for me, this is my answer, I DON'T BELIEVE.I have one reason for that.We are only human being and we cannot predict the DOOMSDAY.The End Of World might be next year, next months , tomorrow, today and worse two hours after you read my blog.To be honest, after watched the whole documentary in 2 hours, i am not scared .At all! Not because i am not believing this prediction but i am glad i am gonna meet my Saviour , Jesus Christ very sooner.I tired living in this world actually.WHY? Our world today is not same like before.Like warming globalisation, more sex in entertainment industries , wars here and there , economy decreased, and many all knew it!Its all about competition to get more money ! We never satisfied about money even though we got billion one in bank.Believe me!Nowadays, money is the number one each everyone of us and GOD is behind...may be HE is number third or fifth or hundred in your list.But, the good point of this prediction , people will start to put GOD number one in their life.I am very proud because i am a Christian and more over i am Catholic.I am not trying to say that Christian is the best religion but because i proud my Jesus my Saviour will come to save me because HE has promised to come on that END DAY and HE SAID that in HOLY BIBLE in BOOK OF REVELATION .But, i don't know about other religion.I hope GOD ALMIGHTY cares everybody whether you are christian or Muslim or whatever.I don't want to say this things because it sounds like i trying to judge GOD, which means ask HE to please everybody in this world because only HE knows whom is follows HE and not.My point for this post is i do and really believe that end of this world will be coming soon but i don't believe that December 21, 2012 is the end of the world.Like i said before, it might happens tomorrow or next months! However, pray and pray and focus more to GOD that is the best thing we all could do for sure ready to face the doomsday.