Saturday, January 23, 2010


Just wanna stop by, i just found out that Charice ( my favourite singer) has a new single called PYRAMID.My comments....heheheh...I LOVE IT! LOVE IT!Wow! Her voices has improved so much.I mean....REALLY IMPROVED AND MATURED AND SOFTLY AND MORE DYNAMIC THAN BEFORE! I beat you..the song will be hit!!! This world will like it! Cannot wait the album ! Charice ...i love you Charice..if i am a guy..i will marry you ...or if only i am a Phillipines..i will stuck infront of your house hoping for mercy so you would came with me to Malaysia..hahhahaha!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I woke up this morning and watched National Geographic Channel....and i was very surprised to see the topics "DOOMSDAY YEAR 2012 , 21 DECEMBER".I ask you , DO YOU BELIEVE IT OR NOT? Well, for me, this is my answer, I DON'T BELIEVE.I have one reason for that.We are only human being and we cannot predict the DOOMSDAY.The End Of World might be next year, next months , tomorrow, today and worse two hours after you read my blog.To be honest, after watched the whole documentary in 2 hours, i am not scared .At all! Not because i am not believing this prediction but i am glad i am gonna meet my Saviour , Jesus Christ very sooner.I tired living in this world actually.WHY? Our world today is not same like before.Like warming globalisation, more sex in entertainment industries , wars here and there , economy decreased, and many all knew it!Its all about competition to get more money ! We never satisfied about money even though we got billion one in bank.Believe me!Nowadays, money is the number one each everyone of us and GOD is behind...may be HE is number third or fifth or hundred in your list.But, the good point of this prediction , people will start to put GOD number one in their life.I am very proud because i am a Christian and more over i am Catholic.I am not trying to say that Christian is the best religion but because i proud my Jesus my Saviour will come to save me because HE has promised to come on that END DAY and HE SAID that in HOLY BIBLE in BOOK OF REVELATION .But, i don't know about other religion.I hope GOD ALMIGHTY cares everybody whether you are christian or Muslim or whatever.I don't want to say this things because it sounds like i trying to judge GOD, which means ask HE to please everybody in this world because only HE knows whom is follows HE and not.My point for this post is i do and really believe that end of this world will be coming soon but i don't believe that December 21, 2012 is the end of the world.Like i said before, it might happens tomorrow or next months! However, pray and pray and focus more to GOD that is the best thing we all could do for sure ready to face the doomsday.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I never seen any Charice video clip for about 1 month.I was pretty busy all that month finishing up my first novel.I never thought writing is the most challenging career .I have to come up with new strategies and fresh ideas for this manuscript i have to sent to the publisher.During making my first draft in three months, i felt like I'm the stupidest people in the world...i felt like ...i am just too much an imaginary person.Seriously,career in writing is a lonely job.My first impression about writing is fun and feeling happy when people read your works,but when i really involved this line, then i found that it is a lonely job!why i said this?Because, all day you just sit down on your chair and staring at your computer! Last night i prayed.I said to God that i gave up with my life and especially my writing and have to find another job.Today, i woke up and having my breakfast in front of TV.I was watching Hallmark Channel , and then i saw Charice video clip 'Note to God' again which she sang during Oprah Show.I heard the lyrics and it touched my heart!I cried and not just was a hard crying! and i am not telling lies here. Even though i have heard this song before, but this time was different.If i really wrote a note to God i will ask that all human being stop comparing each other or fighting each other about who job is better, who is most riches in the world and anything ! All human need is PEACE.ALRIGHT!Actually my true point here is, this song ' Note To God' really supporting me continuing live again.This song is really good and has a very deeper meaning inside me as well.This song is should be in Gospel album also.By only hearing the lyrics, i found God still with me and besides me whatever career or decisions i choose in my life.I thank you God for giving this wonderful powerful song to me and to everybody.Thank you Charice for delivering this song amazingly like it should be! Thank you GOD and thank you Charice!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I wrote this article because i want to show my opinion about ..above topic.I'm not gonna judge my own native country..MALAYSIA. But, as a Malaysian,i just hope this thing never happens. MUSLIM and CHRISTIAN CATHOLIC are in discussing about this very...very ...and very...simple word "ALLAH".MUSLIM claims that this word is only refers to their God.They said that , 'ALLAH' should not be in used in Christianity.WHY? They said like this , "YOU CATHOLIC CANNOT USE ALLAH WORD AS REFER AS YOUR GOD.BECAUSE YOUR GOD ARE THREE (trinity ).GOD DOESN'T HAVE SON AND MOTHER OR SOMETHING.ONLY ONE GOD.YOU CATHOLIC MAKE US CONFUSING." What the?
For me,who are you people to judge CATHOLIC faith? I'm quiet extremely surprised...I'm Sabahan...and Muslim here at know we use ALLAH a very long time ago and they don't hate us at all.Well i have a lot of Muslim friends too here in Sabah..when we were talking about God...and i still remember i said 'ALLAH' in front of them...they ok !Don't believe me?ok...ask Sabahan Muslim about that me!
Another thing i would like to posted here is about this stupid unrespected act of some muslim people did to CATHOLIC .There was this muslim magazine.Made a review about Catholic faith inside their magazine.I don't know what they were thinking about? This muslim people magazine went to CATHOLIC CHURCH and pretend to be one of the Catholic people.What they did?Ok...i tell you! They followed the line to take the BODY CHRIST...and...took it out from their mouth and captured picture of that BODY CHRIST , printed it out together with that magazine.How could you did that to us?How could you did that to us?How could you did that to us?Why on earth you did that?If you people really hate us..ok...just hate us Catholic people...but don't you dare touch that BODY CHRIST again and flirting with it!
However, i am not saying all Malaysian Muslim are bad.Maybe a few...i mean the fanatic muslim one.I respect Muslim faith because we are all son of God.WE ARE ALL NEVER SEEN GOD, so we cannot say this religion is true or that religion is bad.What is more important here is...if we comfortable with this faith or that faith...we should go on, but never try to judge other religion faith.
WE ARE ALL IN SAME MISSION HERE....we turn to GOD because we want the peacetime inside our heart especially.Come on...its only a word...don't be so open...we are all HIS creature.MUSLIM PEOPLE...please don't be mad.Just imagine this things when this is become headline on newspaper cover, "MALAYSIA IS IN WAR!!".Then all of people around this world gonna be like , "WHAT?MALAYSIA IS IN WAR?NEVER HAPPENS!BUT WHY?"....then the other people respons , "YEAH! BECAUSE THAT COUNTRY IS FIGHTING ABOUT WORD 'ALLAH'"....and they said , "THEY HAD WAR JUST BECAUSE OF THAT WORD?!HAHHAHAH!THAT IS HILAROUS AND FUNNY THINGS I EVER HEARD! ALL I KNOW , PEOPLE IN WAR BECAUSE OF THAT NUCLEAR WEAPONS OR BECAUSE OF WORST THINGS ...BUT THIS IS SO RIDICULOUS!".So Malaysia, you want people said those things to us? we really fighting because of one word? All of those country might laugh on us!Think that carefully!Think and be positive.
Word 'Allah' doesn't matter, it is inside our heart whether we are good person or not.By the way, if we believe GOD,HE is the one created languages... then he is the only one could say word "ALLAH" is for this religion only and that religion cannot use! far...can anyone tell me anyone ever ever ever hear GOD says like that...if there is..let you call me or message..because i want to know,because i want to kneel before you.Satisfied?

Sunday, September 6, 2009


This is my blog and that means this is all about my opinions.I don't blame for those haters especially for my topic for today.I begin my topic with this small ,a very simple question.Is anybody in this world.. don't recognize the person in those pictures above? ok...everybody know about Hillary Duff, Linsay Lohan , Miley Cyrus and Vanessa Hudgens right?Well..actually...there are international famous ..teenage female nowadays ! And there are all starting their career by the help of DISNEY CHANNEL ..i mean..they started to act to sing and begin famous after doing some 'project' with Disney!Mostly...mostly...mostly...and mostly...all of these famous teenages came from Disney Channel.Ok...i forgot to mention Selena Gomez and Brenda Song. Hm..well done Disney Channel by the way, you are a great agent!Yeehaa! I am not going to say bad things about these girls...but it is actually ..i want to mention about how regretful i am that of these famous girl didn't appreciate for what they owned .They had everything that mostly teenages nowadys really wanted to be ..being in the center of everyone eyes, being in magazine , having wonderful lifes , big money in pocket , crazy fans chasing after them and everthing is about 'having fun in this world'. I do like these girls...but i wondering why some of them did bad things like Linsay Lohan, she took drugs and has a boyfriend which is a girl?and then Vanessa Hudgens with her naked picture and bought a house with a very higher price so she and her boyfriend could staying at there together? and Miley Cyrus about her ' very sexy' pictures in her blog?and Hillary Duff trying to be more sexy girl for every of her music videos? Ok...who am i to judge people right? Honestly, i am their fan..but not a big fan.They can do whatever they want and at least they don't kill people or hurting somebody, right?! I just want to show my own opinion..if they know a lot of people ...especially kids out there are really a big fan of them and they are like such a role model for them...arggggg! i hope you all know what i mean here....the situation is same like this..if you like someone and falling with she / he....probably if the person you like did a stupid things then you might followed him , and mostly true!Eventhough, i still love these girls but not the bad behaviours they have ...hey! we all are not perfect as well!hmm....well, the moral of this article is .."MONEY CANNOT BUT HAPPINESS'.Thanks for reading.PEACE BRO!:)